Spring is in the air…

It is the long-awaited change of winter. There is a sense of renewal, as the sun warms the earth. Birds are active again, chirping in the early hours, seeds sprout, snowdrops are in bloom, daffodils pushing through the ground. It feels like new life is starting.
Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) looks at health and illness through a special lens. TEAM believes, that the human body is a microcosm reflecting the macrocosm of the universe, we can relate to this through the saying: “As above, so below.” Our bodies must follow the natural law. All change in the universe as well as in our bodies occurs in five distinctive stages. Each of these stages is associated with a particular time of the year and a specific element in nature and a pair of organs, one being yin and the other yang. Each season has its own energy, and it is this seasonal energy which allows different things to change. These changes, which link together the seasons of the year are mapped out in the Five Elements. It is important to know that seasonal energies are known to influence their related organ’s function.

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Spiritual and Mental Wellness during COVID-19


COVID 19 and its fatalities seems the only news at present. Self-care is now most important and helps as to empower ourselves. Social distancing must be the universal word of 2020. Love in time of COVID-19 means protecting each other from contracting or passing on the disease.

Further Prevention:

  • Gurgling with warm saltwater
  • Oil pulling first thing in the morning on top of your oral hygiene of course

Vitamin D from the sun is best absorbed on your forearms. Free your forearms up to the elbow, turn the inside of your hands towards the sun or heaven for 15 minutes. This can also be practiced during the winter, behind glass. Do not wash your forearms from the wrist to the elbows for at least 1 hour, as it takes about 1 hour for Vitamin D to be absorbed in your body.

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